Does smoking release tension
The research concluded that smoking actually increases tension and anxiety. It has a reverse effect on anxiety and stress release. Nicotine creates an immediate relaxation so people do believe that it releases stress and depression.

Drug addiction causes
Drug addiction along with smoking has its own causes, family history is responsible for drug addiction. In the families where drug addiction is common, children also fell into drugs. The availability of drugs becomes easy for the children of such families. Mental health disorder is also a contributor to drug addiction. Sometimes lack of family involvement also contributes to drug addiction. The highly addictive drug creates a reaction in the body and the patient demands the drug again and again. Treating such addicted persons becomes difficult in severe cases.

How we can avoid drug addiction
There are different ways to avoid the drugs, the most critical factor in drug addiction whether have you the endurance to avoid the drugs.

How to enhance your endurance
To enhance your endurance to avoid drugs and smoking you need motivation. You need a powerful reason why you need to quit drugs and smoking. It may be to protect yourself from heart disease or lung cancer. Or protecting your family to avert such bad habits. There should be complete belief in your mind that you want to quit. The acceptance of that reasoning will increase your chances that you permanently avoid drugs and smoking. Choose a reason that encourages you to avert the tendency of smoking or drugs.

Prepare yourself before it’s too late
Sometimes it’s not that easy for you to quit smoothly, smoking is an addiction. The brain is inclined towards nicotine. You will find it very hard to prevent at the start. The addiction tendency sometimes becomes hard to avert. At this stage the solid reasoning why you want to quit help, your endurance and aspiration is ultimate tool. Try to restrain from smoking and drugs as quickly as possible, otherwise it would be too late for you. The drugs and smoking somehow be lower your stress, there ultimate effect on heart lungs and kidneys is unavoidable.

Use nicotine replacement strategy
When you quit smoking, nicotine addiction may give you a headache, affect your mood. You can feel a lower energy level. At start it would be difficult for you to quit but with the passage of time you become habitual. Try to use nicotine replacement therapies, like nicotine gum, lozenges. This therapy helps you to avoid smoking. Smoking is the entry point of every drug.

Learn about medicines to avert addiction
Some medicines also help you to avoid smoking, they decrease your urge of smoking and drugs. These medicines also help you to release your depression and stress, so you can easily quit smoking and drug addiction.
Inclination towards your family
Your inclination towards your family and friends is important, when you tell them you want to quit smoking or drugs. They encourage you, to follow the path of restrain.

Consult a doctor or psychologist
Consult a doctor or psychologist as a counselor. The psychologist especially helps you with behavioral therapy. The behavior therapy is a way to change your attitude. When you agree to change your attitude your chances of quitting increase.

Consult a doctor or psychologist
Consult a doctor or psychologist as a counselor. The psychologist especially helps you with behavioral therapy. The behavior therapy is a way to change your attitude. When you agree to change your attitude your chances of quitting increase.

Make exercise your habit
Make exercise your habit, it would help you greatly in removing stress and depression. Exercise is a powerful tool to fight against depression. Exercise stimulates all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that develop feelings of calm and well-being.

Endorphins and drug addiction
Exercise is vital in quitting the drug and smoking. The main cause of addition is depression related. When you exercise regularly a hormone endorphins released from your brain. This hormone generates waves in your nerves to relax them. Exercise induces the release of endorphins, powerful chemicals in your brain that energize and revitalize your spirits and aspirations and make you feel good. Finally, exercise can also serve as a remedy, allowing you to find some relaxing time. It also breaks out the vicious cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression and mental stress.

Take time to relax
When you stop smoking then feel little stress to complete your task. You would feel depressed during pressure conditions. The reason is that nicotine is mixed with your blood and addiction tendency inducing you. To avoid this tendency take a time out and relax yourself. Make your health the priority number one. Your health is the blessing of the Almighty you should take care of that, otherwise it becomes too late for you to return towards normal health. try to avoid smoking and drugs as soon as possible. Time is running out for smokers and for drug addict people, it’s obvious some health related issues would appear rather sooner.
Taking time out to relax with your friends and family can do a lot to reduce your stress level. Saying ‘I just can’t take the time off, or I have no time to relax, is no use if you are forced to take time off later through ill health. Striking and keeping a balance between responsibility to others and responsibility to yourself is vital in reducing stress levels.

Meditation and drug addiction
Meditation and drug addiction are connected to each other. Both meditation and addiction release your depression and improve your sleeping habits. You can reduce your stress level and also improve your sleeping quality. Research has shown that peace of mind and meditation can reduce the effects of stress, anxiety, and other related problems such as insomnia, poor concentration, and low moods, in some people. So meditation is vital in reducing your urge for drugs and smoking. The ultimate urge of drugs and smoking is that you want to reduce your stress level. You want to feel free from the routine life pressure. Meditation helps you in achieving that peace of mind.

Try to improve your sleeping quality
The quality of your sleep is important in the reduction of your chances to turned towards addiction of drugs. Sometime deprived sleeping habits creates a situation of depression for you. The anxiety and depression enhance your tendency towards drugs and smoking to relax your nerves. When you improve your sleep, you would feel relax and comfortable in the situation of stress and pressure. Try to have a good sleep, going early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Give yourself ample time for proper sleep. It is important that you sleep well, otherwise, you would feel dizzy during the daytime. Deprived sleep also reduces your performance and the quality of your work is also disturbed.

Don’t be too hard on yourself
Sometimes we create too many expectations from ourselves. These expectations are actually out of our limits to achieve. Yes, competition is important in life but health is more important than achieving a goal. Competitions with your peers are a good thing but know your limitations. There is no shortcut in life.