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Plagiarism is a practice in which someone presents others’ work or idea as its own with or without the authorization or the full acknowledgment and integrates it as own work. All material, whether it is published or unpublished and it is manuscript, printed, or electronic form is covered under this definition.

There are most common types of plagiarism:

Global Plagiarism

Global Plagiarism is presenting the entire text or work as your own. You are submitting an assignment text you have found from the internet or someone else is solving the assignment for you. Then you are committing a severe type of Plagiarism, as you are deliberately lying about the ownership of the work.

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Paraphrasing plagiarisms

Paraphrasing is reshaping the text into your word. Paraphrasing lacking reference is the most common kind of plagiarism. Paraphrasing is not Plagiarism if you are using proper citation with your text.

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Verbatim plagiarisms

When directly copying the text from the source and copying it into your own document without proper attribution. This is also a severe type of plagiarism as compared to Paraphrasing.

Mosaic Plagiarism

Mosaic (incremental or patchwork plagiarism) is taking data from different resources and recombining it to create a new document. This type of plagiarism is quite insidious to detect but a Plagiarisms checker like “Turnitin” can easily check it.

Citing Incorrectly

Citing incorrectly or not citing in the prescribed manner. You have to follow the proper citation style to avoid plagiarism, if you are not putting all the information required in citation or putting it in the wrong place you are committing Plagiarism. Most styles need text citation plus a reference list or bibliography at the end of the Research paper.

Self Plagiarisms

Self Plagiarisms means submitting the work you have previously done, and you have already submitted. Sometimes you find it odd that it was your own work but how it falls in the Plagiarism category. The fact of the matter is that you already took the credit of the work and now you are submitting it as it is quite a new Research Paper or assignment. It would be considered as dishonest practice.

Self Plagiarism also occurs when you paraphrase your previous work, to avoid this you should clearly cite your previous, so the origin is clear to everyone.

 How to avoid Plagiarisms

To avoid accidental Plagiarism you can use a plagiarism checker, before submitting an assignment or research paper. The Plagiarism Checker compares your text with the database available and highlights any similarities or missing citations. 

The Comparison Between Plagiarism Checker

There are different Plagiarism checkers available and a study is conducted by Ramio-Streefkerk on July 23, 2018, and revised on March 17, 2020. The comparison is made by the result shown by different Plagiarism checker output efficiency:

  • Student Research paper with 50% Plagiarism
  • 100 % text exerted from journals, websites and books.

Top 10 Plagiarism Detector of 2019

Plagiarism Detected

Plagiarism Checker 50% plagiarized students Text 100 % plagiarized copy Text
1-Scriber(in Partnership with Turnitin) 44% 75%
2-Ephorus 23% 61%
3-Quetext 29% 53%
4-compilation 28% 51%
5-Bibme 19% 57%
6-Plagscan 17% 58%
7-plagramme 16% 61%
8-Grammarly 0% 24%
9-Smallseotools 5% 28%
10-SE Report 4% 34%

Plagiarism Checker

Provides a free online plagiarism checker tool which is what you are looking for. You want to check student’s assignments copied text. This is the best tool ever to check plagiarism in text. This tool searches all the copied data on the billions of websites on the Internet and shows its results in just a few seconds. It shows how much data is copied, and unique. If copied text is found in the document, the instrument will show original site links where from the copied text is derived.

How to use it?

There are only two easy steps:

  • Paste your text into the box.
  • Click on the“check plagiarism” button.

A plagiarism tool saves most of your precious time instead of reading and searching for all the copied data. Free plagiarism tool has the ability to view the copied data with the original site link. Before submitting any document it will be beneficial for you to use this tool.

What should you do if you found plagiarism?

You should replace the copied text with new text. Rewrite the plagiarized text. So, in this way, there will be no copyright issue in the text. When you are including any idea from any other source in your own word then there is no reference need. But if you are including someone’s word same in quotes then the reference will need otherwise it is included in the copyright context. This plagiarism checker is designed to help and improve your writing skills.

You can check essays, blogs, posts, and assignments that may be copied from other students or websites. So, by checking their work in an essay plagiarism checker they can rewrite or make changes in the text. You can be 100% sure that your text is unique and not copied. Plagiarism Detector is a free, smart, and easy tool. It doesn’t matter you are a student or a professional; this tool is beneficial for everyone.