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The Dillirus Ertugrul Saga in Pakistan has been growing and capturing the hearts and minds of the Pakistani public. People are saying they have never seen such an epic serial in their whole life. The most common view is that the serial has everything in it. The Islamic history and culture are presented in a resounded way. The unforgettable roles of Ertugrul and also the negatives roles of Noyan is also very popular. All in all, it is a family drama which is a mystical combination of heroism, love, history, thrill, and suspense.
There are some reasons why this epic serial gained that much popularity

The impact of Nasim Hagazi novels

The Pakistani youth has been grown by reading the novels of Nasim Hazazi. One of the great historical writers ever lived in Pakistan. Now they are watching a real-time hero like them on their TV screen, this made them remember the great Islamic history and the struggle made by our forefathers to propagate the message of Islam all around the world.

Family play

Another reason for its popularity that it’s a family play and you can enjoy it with your family sitting along with you.Most Hollywood and Indian movies by comparison not digestible watching while you are sitting with your family and children.The other fact that it attracted viewers of all age groups and every sphere of society. Even some Ulamas are saying it’s better to watch Ertugrul than watching an Indian, Hollywood movie or vulgar Pakistani movies and dramas. The topic of Pakistani dramas is so confined with the love and hate of one or two individuals that most of the audience have switched to Ertugrul as their first choice.

A different genre

Pakistani Audiences rarely have a chance to watch stories based on the life and times of heroes from the past. It’s not just t a historic drama but it also made an impact deep into human psychology and emotions. It is also not an easy achievement to pen down such a narrative that covers so many years and so many different incidents. It is also not an easy achievement to pen down such a narrative that covers so many years and so many different incidents. It’s a reality that the author has done absolute justice to every single feature of this genre that adds to its popularity. Ertugurl is not a story of a hero but it is the story of every single influential person of that time, the drama summarizes that time and era with utmost perfection.
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Visually eye-catching play

The illustrations and visualizations in the drama are so striking and impressive as most of the recording is conducted outdoor. Different places are used for shooting, various outdoor and indoor locations are used. The director and production team have done a remarkable job and made sure that the visualization of the beauty or even darkness of every place is being covered perfectly. The audiences are continually being taken from one location to the other. The action and suspense seen throughout the play are astonishing. These stunning visuals have transported the viewers from one world to another and they can’t release themselves from the mystery and magic of Ertugrul Gazi.
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Well-maneuvered action

Ertugrul Ghazi is a complete action thriller and actions seen throughout the play are well-maneuvered. It can easily compete with any Hollywood action movie. Some of the action scenes are quite violent but these scenes are dramatized as that it looks like reality. The battle scenes have been so well-performed that you sense every word that is being swung. Ertugrul Ghazi is a massively financed venture that is echoed from the kind of interest which has been compensated to these action scenes. Viewers and audience found of action and thrill have praised the well delivery of actions throughout the play.

Inspirational characters

The success of the play is due to different inspirational characters. The positive and negative types of characters of this drama are quite intriguing. There are some resounded characters like Ertugrul, Salman, Noyan, Iben Arabi, Haema Hatoon, Halima Sultan are some of the many popular characters. The alps of Ertugrul like Turgut, Bamsi, and Dogan are full of inspiration and have their style and impact on the drama. The impact and role of female characters like Haema Hatoon as the mother of Ertugrul Gazi is quite remarkable. Halima Sultans beauty and charm as the wife of Erturul is amazing. The role of Saljan Hatoon is also unique when she turned herself towards modesty. In the season three and four more inspiration female characters are going to appear.
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Great message

The overall message is so powerful and great and the series has based a fight between good and evil throughout all five seasons of the play. The references given from Quran and Hadith are quite imposing on Pakistani society. The drama has educational value and it opens your mind.

  • You also are educated by Islamic history while getting amused and entertained by the story.
  • The most revealing message of this series is that to hold your faith and ultimately good triumphs over evil.
  • It also has a message that we must hold our good values even we faced with the worst circumstances and scenarios.

Pakistani Prime Minister’s endorsement

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is quite an influential personality to Pakistani youth. He endorsed that we should watch Ertugrul Gazi. He sees Ertugrul’s character as a symbol for himself. The way Ertugrul shows perseverance throughout the series he thinks is a model for Pakistan to get rid of this current situation.
It is not incorrect to say that Ertugrul Ghazi has turned into a phenomenon. This is the most-viewed and- a topic of discussion right now. Audiences are completely obsessed with this historical drama, there are some reasons why Ertugul has become such a huge success. Ertugrul series has broken down another record as its Urdu YouTube channel has surpassed the 10 million subscribers barrier. Turkish Radio and Television director Riyad Minty shared that we have surpassed 10 million subscribers on our Urdu Ertugral Channel on Youtube.